Nico Donato

Male SilhouetteAbout

Nico Donato currently works Cisco Managed Security Services, for the last six years, previously he served as a Technical Marketing Engineer in the Cisco Chief Technology Office for Cloud computing. He worked in the Cisco Technical Assistance Center for five years, supporting the Cisco MDS Storage Networking product line. Before joining Cisco, he worked for Network Appliance and other firms, where his roles included systems administration and level III/IV support in Windows environments and storage networking. Nico has been in the IT industry for more than 25 years. His interest in security includes membership in the InfraGard public-private security partnership.

What mentoring means to me

  • Mentoring to me is helping people move forward in their career path. The amount of knowledge and experience obtained over 25 year period should be shared.
  • Everyone has a different learning level and desire to learn. Security is fundamental however knowing what we secure and why we secure it is important.
  • I enjoy seeing people move forward in their career path, learning and growing. Often the student becomes the teacher.

Areas of Expertise

  • Network Security

Country / Time Zone

USA – Eastern Time

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